Janice Jackson Lic. LCCH, RSHom
Janice qualified as a Homeopath in 1999 after training at the London College of Classical Homeopathy for four year and subsequently built up a successful practice in Surrey. She is a member of the Society of Homeopaths, whose members adhere to a strict Code of Ethics and other professional guidelines.
Homeopathy is a safe treatment which doesn’t separate the physical, emotional and mental symptoms, but takes the view that they are all interconnected. This is what makes homeopathy a truly holistic and refined art with little to no side effects.
Janice has most recently worked for charities supporting people with minor disabilities into work and is a Mental Health First Aider. She has a special interest in neurodiversity, anxiety and motivating people through life challenges.
Janice is holding Saturday clinics and is happy to have a FREE discovery appointment of 15 minutes either face to face, digitally or by phone.

Call 01243 372 272 or email info@thewowclinic.com