Nutritional Science
Rebecca Francis – BSc. (HONS) Nutritional Sciences
Rebecca is an experienced Nutritional Scientist who understands the science of food and the impact that diet and nutrition have on a person’s overall health and well-being. It is a multi-faceted field that is rooted in chemistry and biology but also considers the behavioural, social and environmental factors related to diet and food choice.
She is passionate about the role food can play in treating long-term physical, mental and behavioural health conditions and transforming the lives of people coping with a range of health issues.
Her focus is on implementing nutritional care plans that are manageable and take account of the individual, their situation and lifestyle. She works with her clients in a collaborative and flexible way to achieve lasting improvements to health. This includes treating children and working closely with family members so that together they can make new foods and dietary regimes part of day to day life.
Her services include offering sessions in specific areas including mental health, spectrum disorders, dementia, mindful eating and sensory support as either one to one consultation or in small group settings.
Her compassionate approach and clear communication style help to make what to many people can seem like daunting and complicated lifestyle changes into simple goals which are achievable and make a real difference.
Rebecca trained at Manchester Metropolitan University, graduating in 2016 and has worked in a range of healthcare settings including private care, hospitals and rehabilitation facilities.