Price List

Osteopathy & Musculoskeletal Therapy

Osteopathy (Sally Prideaux) New Patient £70
Follow Up £60
Osteopathy (Mary-Jane Anderton) New Patient £75
Follow Up £70
Osteopathy (Jack Holmes) New Patient £75
Follow Up £65
Osteopathy (Kirsty Lynch) New Patient £70
Follow Up £60
Osteopathy (Charlotte Rooney) New Patient £70
  Follow Up £60
Osteopathy (David Sercombe) New Patient and follow up 30 mins £80
  Birth – 18yrs £50
Students 18 – 21yrs £60
  Check up appointment (15 mins) £45
Musculoskeletal Therapy (Kirill Litvinov) New Patient (1 hr) £75
  Follow up (1hr) £70


Sports Therapy (Amy Price, Aaron Spokes) 

 New Patient (45 mins) 


Follow Up (45 mins)  £50
Soft Tissue Massage  45 mins £50
Acupuncture (Kerry Bowles) New patient assessment & treatment (90 mins) £70
Follow Up (1hr)  £60
Shiatsu (Kim Lovelace) New Patient (70 mins) £75
Shiatsu (Kim Lovelace) Follow Up (50 mins) £65
Reflexology (Sarah Thomas)  50 mins £55
Aromatherapy/Swedish Massage (Sarah Thomas) 45mins / 60mins £45/£60
Hormone Balancing Body Treatment (Sarah Thomas) 75mins £85
Calm waves relaxation massage (Sarah Thomas) 90mins £85
Face and scalp massage (Sarah Thomas) 30mins £30
Pregnancy Massage (Hailey Shearman) 45 mins £70
Hot Stone Massage (Hailey Shearman) 45 mins  £70
Sports Massage (Hailey Shearman) 45 mins £70
Scarwork Therapy (Hailey Sherman) 45 mins  £70
Oncology Massage (Hailey Shearman) 45 mins £70

Pilates & Yoga Classes

Pilates (Antonia Stringer) 1:1 appt £65
2:1 appt / 3:1 appt £45 per person / £35 per person
Group Classes £105 for 6 week block
Qi Gong (Kim Lovelace) Group Classes £12 per session
Qi Gong (Kerry Bowles)  Group Classes £30 – block of 4 classes / £10 per class
Pilates (Helen MacDonald-Prideaux) Group Classes 1hr £15 per session (block booking available)
Yoga (Alex Bailey) Group Classes 1hr £60 – block of 4 classes / pay as you go £18 per session
Pilates (Debbie Lynch) Group Classes 1hr (all abilities) £90 – for 6 week block


Nutritional Scientist Appointment New Patient £70
Follow Up £65
Alexander Technique New Patient (50 mins) £55
Follow Up (40 mins) £55
Sessions 10 for £500 / 3 for £159
2:1 Appt £94
Physiotherapy (Sandra Mowat) New Patient £60
Follow Up £55
Hypnotherapy (Kate Delaney-Cook) 15 minute initial consultation Free
1hr appointment £95
Energy Healing (Emily Stillwater New Patient (1h 15mins) £60
Follow Up (1hr) £60
Counselling (Colin Campbell-Dunlop) Individual £70
Couples £80
Therapeutic Play Practitioner (Lisa Bignell) Session £45
Respiratory Physio (Kate Hills) New patient (60 mins) £70
Follow Up (45 mins) £55
Homeopathy (Janice Jackson)
(Prices include all remedies)
First consultation (90 minutes) £85
  Follow up consultations (45 minutes) £50